‘Ruthless’ couple poisoned Irish dance champion with ‘devil’s breathing’ after meeting him through Grindr, court hears

‘Ruthless’ couple poisoned Irish dance champion with ‘devil’s breathing’ after meeting him through Grindr, court hears

A couple that is“RUTHLESS an Irish party champ and poisoned another guy having a medication referred to as “devil’s breath” after meeting them through the dating application Grindr, a court heard.

Diana Cristea, 18, and Joel Osei, 25, both deny killing Adrian Murphy with all the medication between might 31 and June 5 year that is last the 17th-storey flat he had been residing at in Battersea, the west London.

The set then allegedly utilized their title in an attempt to purchase significantly more than US$80,000 worth of diamonds from the jeweller in ny, Croydon Crown Court heard.

They’re also accused of poisoning a 2nd man on might 30 2019, before stealing about ВЈ2,000 of their possessions.

Prosecutor Crispin Aylett QC stated the medication scopolamine, reported to be “popular with robbers and rapists” to incapacitate their victims, ended up being utilized in both incidents.

He said, whilst it ended up being just Osei whom came across the victims in individual, having contacted them through the gay relationship software Grindr, Cristea was “egging him on” into the history and offered the taken things.

The couple that is former both faced with murder and a count of administering a poison or noxious substance in order to endanger life, that they both deny.


They are standing test on a few fraud costs as well as 2 counts of theft.

Mr Aylett stated the victim that is first Osei, who called himself “Remy”, back again to their London home may 30, but was “disappointed” to discover the defendant “did maybe maybe maybe not appear to be especially thinking about sex”.

The court heard the way the target decided to go to the bathroom, as well as on their return drank one cup of orange juice that Osei had poured him, presuming it had been from their refrigerator.

Mr Aylett stated: “(The target) would be to inform law enforcement: ‘The final a few things i recall is the fact that we began to feel breathless and my mind felt such as this darkness coming over me personally.

“I remember taking a stand and my feet experiencing like they’d been inserted with lead or something like that, they felt solid and immovable.

I was going to pass out, and then I must actually have passed out“ I remember thinking.”


He had been later on found by a neighbour, whom named an ambulance.

The target, whom can’t be identified for appropriate reasons, stated that things including their wallet, charge cards and two laptop computers, well well worth about ВЈ2,000, was indeed taken.

Mr Aylett stated Cristea had texted and called Osei as he is at the home, and covered a minicab to choose him up through the victim’s house.

Times down the road June 1 year that is last Mr Murphy, a seven-time All-Ireland party champ that has choreographed many programs, additionally came across a guy on Grindr, and invited him back into a set in Battersea he had been remaining in.

The after day, “by which time Mr Murphy should have been dead”, the defendants utilized their title to unsuccessfully purchase diamonds from the United States jeweller, Mr Aylett stated.


Mr Murphy’s human body had been present in their flat two times in the future June 4 by their companion plus the property’s owner.

A Louis Vuitton bag, wallet, and laptop computer was indeed taken, utilizing the things well well worth about ВЈ2,000 as a whole.

The court heard that the guy known as “Remy” and Mr Murphy’s unnamed visitor had utilized a phone closing in identical quantity, which authorities could actually backlink to Osei and their then girlfriend Cristea.

Mr Aylett stated Osei had been later on identified by the victim that is surviving being Remy, as he has also been caught on Rate My Date dating login digital camera appearing out of a lift going towards Mr Murphy’s flat.

A post-mortem study of Mr Murphy’s human body discovered traces associated with medication scopolamine, which originates from the life-threatening nightshade family members of poisonous flowers.


Mr Aylett QC stated: “In south usa, as well as in especially in Colombia, it is stated to be well-liked by both robbers and rapists whom make use of it to incapacitate their victims, rendering them profoundly unconscious for very long amounts of time.

“In Colombia, they don’t call it scopolamine, in Colombia they call it ‘the devil’s breath’.”

Whenever police searched Mr Murphy’s flat, a Coca-Cola was found by them can and glass tumbler which included traces of scopolamine.

The drug’s existence had been additionally present an example for the surviving victim’s hair.

Mr Aylett stated: “The prosecution allege that the 2 defendants had been a couple of ruthless grifters, scammers seeking to make effortless cash at regardless of the expense with their victims.”

The court heard that full days earlier in the day, Osei was indeed arrested at a music event where he was planning to offer caffeine tablets as medications.

In a text to Osei through the event, Cristea published to him: “And when you are getting right straight straight right back, we could concentrate on the ginger thing and ur batty boys loool.”